Wednesday, 16 September 2015


Who are you?

Roll Blunt.

Where you from?

London, England.

Is there a team you're repping?

Arsenal, straight up (sorry-ed)

What made you get into Hip-Hop?

I grew up in London, and it was one of those ones where I just kinda like fell into it. Cos I was into Reggae. Growing up all over London, South, North, East, it was all Reggae. But then Hip-Hop and Funk and Soul decided to hit these shores and I was, what the fuck! I need a part of this. And thats how all this started for me.

Are there any current projects that are out now or any future ones in the pipeline?

Yeah, I've got a couple actually. I've got the new Rock and Rollas album. There's the project we're going to be doing with Bronze Nazareth and the Wu Wisemen. And then, I don't know if you remember Cave Man from back in the day? I'm going to be doing work with the other half of MCM Crown Juls. So yeah, a lot of things in the pipeline. But yes, it's past the stage of doing it for fun. It's time to get down to business.

Do you have any musical influences?

Anything and everything. It's all from the heart. If I'm feeling it it's going in there.

Who do you owe the most to in your career so far?

I would turn round and say, musically, I have to say to my bro, Antlive. But also, and it sounds really strange, but I give a lot of respect and got a lot of help from a folk musician, called Stephen Hannon, a little Irish guy. He taught me everything I know about how to run a studio. He taught me how to get the best out of the equipment that I've got.

What are your thoughts on the state of Hip-hop today?

Shite. For what are we dealing with, if we're talking commercial. Because as far as underground goes we've been able for the first time over the last couple of months to pull what I would call a united front with the UK. Being around the scene for a long time, it used to be we've got this crew over here, that crew over there, and nobody wanted to join in the middle. And if you were English and you decided, ok I'm a producer and I'm going to try my skills the other side you always got looked down on for trying to impress the Americans, but hey ho, where the fuck did Hip-Hop come from? If I can impress my peers across the water, where that music came from, with what I'm doing, I know I'm doing my job right.

What needs to be done for UK Hip-Hop to get the international recognition it deserves?

A little bit more open thinking. Open thinking it's what's needed. With regards to having just your mates on a feature, invest a bit of money, take a bit of money out of your pocket, invest in your career, and maybe purchase a feature. Find a feature that's going to catapult you, if you see where I'm coming from. Build. Be intelligent. Because there are people like are ourselves that are looking for the new talent to come through. But you need to show us that you're taking this shit seriously.

Who are your favourite Hip-hop artists and why?

If I'm going through my life I would say my influences have kept very much the same as far as the type of Hip-Hop I like. But then I can't pick a favourite because I can pick a skill or a like with every artist that I listen to. They're all good they are all different. Yeah there are wack ones out there, we know that. The problem I'm finding is the ones at the top are becoming a little bit complacent, the rhymes aren't as strong as they used to be.

Are there any artists you'd like to work with?

Yeah, I'm just about to work with them. It would have to be Bronze. Other than him,  Raekwon and Ghostface. but really and truly I'm happy with the lane I'm in. I've gone from being the little producer at the local nights to being here with a phone under my nose being interviewed, it's kind of surreal.

Any shout outs?

Yes, first off to my wife, Bernie- Bernadette. Antlive, Bronze, June Mega. My boy Crown Juls in there.

Where can we find your music?

On the Rock and Rollas Youtube page, on my soundcloud which is Roll Blunt 68 on My Facebook page, just simply Roll Blunt. Rock n Rollas website, you'll find everything you need.

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